
Quiescent Flourishing

I have never been one to worry all that much, but a few times in the land of electronic connections people have popped in and out without leaving a forwarding address or a à la prochaine and that had left me wondering about them in the past.   We engage virtually and then disperse to follow on with whatever is actually happening in front of our noses.  I understand the dynamics of this, but a few times despite the implied parameters this electronic medium provides, I still felt compelled to hope that a few of those who have disappeared have done so into a cloud full of something good and growing in their lives.  It is a wish for peace and happiness to be found for us all at the center of the calm and the stormy as well.

At my present spot on the dance floor of living there has been a marked slowing as of late. I am found dwelling inside myself often. There is a deepening in my questioning and a increased desire for stillness (punctuated with bursts of engaging with great beauty).  Desire itself however, is moving inward.  Because of this, organically it seems the reflecting and connecting in this outward flowing electronic format has hit a natural slowing.  I am pressing pause a lot lately and I realized this can indirectly be felt with inactivity here.

It is not that I think anyone who reads or follows the words I share here needs to think or worry about how much or how little we all directly interact.  But I just wanted to stick my head above the parapet and wish you all a fall full of flourishing.  Until words find the path flowing outside me again, I wanted to let you know there is nothing going on worth wondering or worrying about whatsoever here on seeingM.  All is well. You are in my thoughts.

Be seeing you again inside soon.

– – – – –

(3D scan of inside the human body 🙂 )  And from the filmmaker:

“The film reflects the invisible inner world of an individual, which owns a small universe in itself, created by experiences and feelings – as well in the digital world as in real life. We try to express ourselves and approach our world another being, but still, nobody can see in our souls entirely.

For me, the process of scanning is a very important part of this work itself.
The idea of digitizing a body and hence the creation and deformation of its computer generated self, reflects the digital world we live in today. We create an alternative world, in which everybody can be what they want to be. In some way, it resembles to an act of creation.

We never stop building more worlds for ourselves, even though there are already various ones encircling us, that we don’t even understand yet.  Each universe encloses another, which creates a new one, and the world next to us still seems far away. And so we look into infinity again, which inevitably surrounds us.”

– Concept & Animation by
Dmitry Zakharov

This entry was published on October 6, 2014 at 12:56 pm and is filed under Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

12 thoughts on “Quiescent Flourishing

  1. Amanda on said:

    I have noticed the absence of any posts, not with concern, but with delight at the thought of your focus and attention being elsewhere…mysterious, deep, lovely, transforming, courageous, stretching, crisp, melancholy, still, bursting…any or none of the above….just delighted with my thoughts crossing the path of your being….confident in your ability to sniff out and yield to the ebb and flow of your own perfect rhythm. xoxo Amanda

  2. Hariod. ❤

    P.S. Nice post M!

  3. ~meredith on said:

    (there’s a matter of mattering… It’s so good to know you’re flourishing.)

  4. Your post is just what I needed this morning, suffering the small conflict of every-day adversity (it’ll pass), aware of the “increased desire for stillness…”. And the music vid was wonderful too, thank you…

  5. Shhhhh. I love you.

  6. And this, for these words must be said, from me, to you.

  7. Hi M! Its good to take some time out of the endless tick tack…I do think of ya! Besos y arriverderci, ciao P x

  8. I know you are floating among the waters of quiet inner flow, and I am doing my darn-dest to honor that, but oh how I miss you. 🙂 All your sweet musing posts add a spring to my step, a lightness to my heart, and smiles to my face. On the eve of Thanksgiving, I am sending you my gratitude that you roam this earth with me, and a big cosmic hug- turkey stuffed with love. Happy Thanksgiving lovely M!

    • T day was leftover cold Italian at 39,000ft somewhere between JFK and PSE (Port of Spain). Such adventures. cosmic hug turkey stuffed with love sent right back at you. Will raise a glass and toast 2015 with a special thought sent coast to coast. 3am kisses on their way today. -xx.M

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